A downloadable tool

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PathPlus is a library made for the Cookbook Jam 2.
It expands the possibilities of GMs Paths.

Current features include:

  • Transform a linear path into a Catmull-Rom curve (smoothly passes through all control points)
  • Transform a linear path into a Bezier curve (higer control with curve handles, can combine sharp and smooth corners)
  • Add extra variables to a point
  • Bake the resulting curve into a path asset or export it as a .yy to use in your projects

Implemented examples include:

  • A lasso tool that allows you to select instances or arrays of coordinates.
  • A recorder that creates a path from your mouse movement, storing the relative speeds.
  • A (rough) path editor.

Other possibilities include:

  • Alter path-finding curves to be more varied or smooth.

Please notice PathPlus is still a work in progress :)

Spceial thanks to TabularElf, Juju Adams, FoxyofLegend, Atlastar, and the following resources:

https://qroph.github.io/2018/07/30/smooth-paths-using-catmull-rom-splines.html https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo 

The NURBS book https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1095142/Generate-and-understand-NURBS-curves



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pathplus_1_00.yymps 15 kB

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